Sandy Parks & Recreation

Senior Companion for Community Outings

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The City of Sandy does not provide insurance for participants in the City's recreational programs. It is the sole responsibility of the participant (or parent/guardian) to provide for this need.

(Parent/Guardian) In case of emergency, accident or illness, I give permission for my child to be treated by a professional medical person and admitted to a hospital. I agree to be the party responsible for all medical expenses and ambulance fees which are incurred on my child's behalf. By signing this form, I release, hold harmless and discharge the City of Sandy from any liability or injury I or my child/charge may suffer while engaged in the City's recreational programs.

Photographs and videos of participants in Recreation Department activities may be used without compensation by the City of Sandy for publicity purposes. The participant/parent/guardian, by signing this form, acknowledges that he/she has read and understands the above statement and release.